When you begin to believe in yourself, others will begin to believe in you
There are times in life when you need to move forward, and then when it is dark, and when you do not see the way forward.
And if you can not then at least stop and rest.
Sometimes big decisions are not decisions in which we change the direction of our lives.
We decide on some great endeavors, we make plans for the future, sometimes big decisions are just decisions that we will not give up, no matter how difficult it is for us now.
There are moments in life when many will doubt you, moments when people will kick your foot, gossip, and slander you behind your back.
But these are not moments to fight those people, these are moments to fight your dreams.
These are moments of questioning and proving in front of you, moments of seeking strength and what delights and fills your soul with admiration and ecstasy.
These are opportunities to appreciate those beautiful moments and people who stayed with you in those difficult moments.
There are times in life when emotions are so heavy and you feel the need for a hug, a touch, or a nice word and there is no one to give it to you.
Then it is necessary to take someone’s goal quite seriously and to tell ourselves that there is no going back.
Once you tell yourself that it is okay to feel all those negative feelings and give yourself a chance to prove yourself through them with patience, everything will end differently.
When you believe in yourself, you give other people the opportunity to believe in you.
When you believe in others you allow others to be their best version.
Do not give up because circumstances scare you and other people are not what you expected.
Hard times exist for a reason, and that is to awaken your courage and prove your loyalty to other people.
Either way, they are an unusual gift of life for you, it is up to you to decide what to do with them.
![Believe in yourself](http://happydayoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cdcs-1024x683.png)