Best lessons about life
The way down is not a path to ruin but a rush to your ascension
And when that happens, you will feel a tremendous sense of relief, that feeling will overtake you.
I want you to know that you will be fine.
That the life you have now can change.
That you have the power to make that change.
Sometimes you can feel like you are trapped and everything is falling apart. It is not a process. It’s a journey.
Know that at some point, you will get out of this routine.
That you will come out of this as a winner. It is difficult to see the path when the road is muddy.
When the rain is constantly pouring down on you.
The track will be cleared and you will be fine. You will smile again. Your life will change.

It will not stay like this. There will be nights that seem endless.
Days that look like forever. This will change. Believe that one day, the process has already begun, that every step you take will lead you to the moment when you are already OK.
It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but it will happen.
Take everything in small doses. One day at a time, one breath at a time. Life is a long marathon and there are ups and downs. Sometimes the “down” section seems endless but that is not true.